Thanks to Sportplan and their coaching tips, I can now coach with greater confidence and enthusiasm.
i need help on a practice session for 7 year olds.i need to keep them interested yat teach them basics.any sugestions?
whats the top 3 warm ups for cricket
I don't play cricket very often.. generally only during summer for 3-4 months. That's the only time I can practice as it's cold for 6-7 months in midwest US. <br /><br />How can I avoid swollen fingers while catching? How to get myself confident of catching and not be afraid of hurting?
do i have to keep my hands soft while i catch a ball
I ran a coaching session on Sunday where I took along a number of handwritten cards, from which the kids (U11s) could randomly choose "Super Over", "Bowl Off" or "Game Scenario". If they chose the latter, I had another set of cards they could choose from "Wicket Target", "Run Target", "Run Target - but boundaries don't count".Finally, they then draw from some more cards - runs (20-30), max wickets (1-3), overs (3-5).Each game scenario lasted around 10-20 mins, so in our session, we had time for about 4 or 5 scenarios. They appeared to enjoy it, but most of them said they wanted to bowl/bat individually for longer! Kids, eh?The idea behind these if to get them thinking about batting intelligently - rotating the strike, keeping the score ticking over, managing achievable run rates, etc. It's also a chance to give some of them some experience at captaining and having to make key decisions (bowling and batting order, how to place a field for different scenarios).Any ideas for variations I could try would be welcome. My session lasts for 2 hours including warm ups and any specific exercises I want to do beforehand.
hi how to train a u10 boy to take reflex catches
Hi...just looking for suggestions as to which would be good indoor fielding drills to mix up indoor net sessions. We'll probably have half a sports hall with max 20 players - mixed abilities. Cheers
I need some help putting together a coaches training guide for my teamincluding a intro, warming up exercises, training drills and cooling down
Master skills at home with this series of skills
My 14 year old is not able to get enough flight dip and revs with his off spinners. his stock ball is flat and fast through the air.. the various pitch lengths for junior and senior cricket he plays does not help.. any tips or drills to develop the flighted stock ball hitting the good length would be most helpful . thanks for the help
how to catch the ball
how to conduct the drill
How to drills catch between wicket la coaches
can you give me some points about catching in cricket organisation
What is a good game / drill to have setup at the start of a session so players can join in when they arrive (players arriving in drive/drabs/different times)? we usually have the cricket hockey game but can get a bit messy when no bibs etc.
how to back up in the field
My son is getting caught out on the leading edge when trying to hit through the on side. Any quick fixes???
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Scoring more goals is often the key to victory in netball. Here's how Sportplan can help you achieve this.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.